Compliance & Planning

Author: Real File CPA |

Real File CPA helps individuals and corporations with in-depth accounting support to comply with up-to-date tax regulations, capital allowances, accruals and rollovers, and how your corporation handles remuneration, to maximize tax opportunities.

Taxation rules and regulations are continually revised at every stage of national and international governance. Corporations constantly need to find the most effective tax planning strategy that will benefit their business financially and will allow them to grow. That is exactly what we do! Our accountants review the areas that result in the biggest tax opportunities for your business.

We can help you with:

  • Dividends payments
  • Tax deferred real estate transfers
  • Accruals
  • Corporate tax-saving strategies
  • Like-kind exchange for US property holders
  • Family/beneficiaries business succession planning

Tax planning is one of the most essential parts of anyone’s financial plan. Real File CPA has the experience to help you minimize your tax liability from the beginning.

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